Inspired by great tastes from around the world, Sher’s serves up delicious cuisine with warm professional service & a flair for elevating your taste buds to new culinary heights.Sher’s proudly serves Metro Toronto, GTA & Durham Region.
Monday 10:00 am - 6:00 pmTuesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pmWednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pmThursday 10:00 am - 6:00 pmFriday 9:00 am - 4:00 pmBy Appointment OnlyCall Us during These Hours to Schedule a One on One Appointment about Your Event
Mount Everest (The) - Award Winning Fine Authentic Indian Cuisine, Eat In, Take Out, Catering, Fully Licenced. Located in Pickering Village, just west of Church St , on Highway 2 (Kingston Rd)
Located at 2 Cowling Cres in Ajax, Ontario, Freshing Catering is a local business within the caterers category of Canpages website.Feel free to call 647-471-0077 to get in contact with Freshing Catering that is located in your neighbourhood. Get the directions to 2 Cowling Cres from your location. Or, simply add this business to your business favorites list.Finally, feel free to send this profile page to your friends by clicking on Facebook or Twitter links. It's also possible to save this business information to your Outlook contacts.
Located at 28-180 Station St in Ajax, Great Temptations Catering is a company within the caterers category of Canpages website.Phone 416-709-1995 to get in touch with Great Temptations Catering that is in your neighbourhood. Get the directions to this business from your location. Or, simply add this company to the business favorites list.Finally, you can send this page to your friends by accessing Facebook or Twitter links. It's also possible to save this business information to your Outlook contacts.